Thursday, September 23, 2010

Probably against the rules.

Yeah, I don't even know if this is allowed. I know it's my blog and all, but I don't know if I can just throw up whatever is on my mind. Here goes anyway. I hate the way most guys refer to girls. I hate it. And not even they way they talk about girls in general. The way they refer to girls specifically is what gets to me. Baby, babe, hot stuff, whatever. None of them fit. If someone means something, tell them. And not just by telling them they mean something. Give them a name they deserve. So you can call a girl baby if you want. Me, I like darling. Or sweetheart. They're both favorites.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm thinking about you.

I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking about you like bells think about singing. Like alarm clocks think about ringing. Like singing thinks about the shower. I'm thinking about you like stars think about the moon. I'm thinking about you like night thinks about day. Like darkness thinks about fire. Like beauty thinks about you. I'm thinking about you like lonlyness thinks about love. Like people worry about dying. Like morticians worry about being alive. I'm thinking about you like girls think about love. Like boys think about girls. I'm thinking about you like broken things think about being fixed. Like soccer balls think about being kicked. Like ingredients think about being mixed. I'm thinking about you like snow thinks about eyelashes. Like eyes think about eyelashes. I'm thinking about you like the stars think about your eyes. Like stars wonder how to shine as brightly as your eyes. I'm thinking about you like dreams think about reality. Like trees think about a breeze. I'm thinking about you like boats think about the ocean. Like time thinks about flying. I'm thinking about you. Always.

Love Is

10. Love is a cup of hot chocolate
9. Love is a hand in the dark.
8. Love is a shining star.
7. Love is tattoo removal.
6. Love is an addiction.
5. Love is an autumn day.
4. Love is when all you need is held in the palm of your hand.
3. Love is a damsel in distress.
2. Love is a bubble. Quietly wonderful.
1. Love is a fortune. Those who want it will look forever, but those who have it don't notice.