Thursday, December 9, 2010


Best I've Ever Had - Vertical Horizon - Jackson lost the girl of his dreams. She left him and took his heart with her. He's too proud to admit that she hurt him. Saying that it's not so bad, she's only the best he's ever had. But in all honesty, it's eating him up. He won't ever find another one like her, and he knows it.

Fred Jones Part 2 - Ben Folds - Fred Jones works at the local newspaper and loves his job. He has worked there for twenty years and is still going strong. Or so he thought. They fired him today. Replaced him with someone new, fresh. New ideas and perspectives. Fred was the last of a dying breed. The world doesn't want to hear what he has to say anymore. But he still has a lot left in him.

Viva La Vida - Coldplay - He lost everything. Once he was on top of the world. Dirk was a king, high roller. But without her, nothing meant anything anymore. Everything fell apart when she left. Now the people and things he put before her are gone. And she's the thing she misses most of all. He never knew how important she was until she wasn't.

It's All Coming Back To Me Now - Celine Dion - Celine broke up with Brad. It was long and painful. They fought and cried and screamed. And any semblance of the joy their relationship had started with was gone. Long gone. Celine learned to make herself stronger, she didn't miss him. Didn't want him back. But when Brad comes back into her life, all of the love and feelings from the first time come flooding back. Her defenses aren't as strong as she thought.

Phantom Of The Opera - Michael Batt - The Phantom cannot show his face. No one knows he is there. Christine is a young opera singer who is stuck in supporting roles despite her talent. The Phantom helps her rise to the starring role while he lives through her. They form a team that benefits each of them. Kinda creepy though.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Top Ten Sixers

10. Didn't know how to save her.

9. Too bad I don't miss you.

8. I'll never leave you alone again.

7. You never noticed I wasn't there.

6. Never knew how bright you are.

5. I wouldn't look at me either.

4. Broken homes lead to broken kids.

3. You can be my little lie.

2.She'll never see this broken smile.

1. You're not alone. I am instead.

Song Lyrics

Best I've Ever Had
Vertical Horizon

Plot: A guy loses the girl of his dreams. He says she is the best he's ever had. He claims not to miss her, but really does. She's only the best he's ever had.
Character: The singer. He misses the girl who left him. The girl.
Conflict: He misses her. She doesn't want to come back.
Theme: Take care of what you have. Losing it might make you realize how badly you want it back.
Setting: Grey sky morning.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Impuse Two

Foreman- Have you ever used a chainsaw?
Tucker- Yeah, once or twice.
Foreman- Good. Cause we're putting you down the hill with Joe. You cut the trees and we'll haul 'em up.
Tucker- Sounds good. Thanks for the job by the way.
Foreman- Don't get all touchy feely. I'm only keeping you if you can work.
Joe- How's it going? Looks like the main line is down, that means we get a break. I'm Joe.
Tucker- How long till it's running again? I'm Tucker by the way.
Joe- Ten minutes or so. So how long have you been out here?
Tucker- Two days. It's beautiful.
Joe- Yeah, I guess. What brings you?
Tucker- Just looking to get away for a while.
Joe- I can understand that. What are you running from?
Tucker- Nothing. I just need to clear my head.
Joe- Look kid, no one just picks up and moves out here for no reason. What about your family? Where are they?
Tucker- I only ever had one person. She's gone now. Nothing to keep me there now.
Joe- She die?
Tucker- No. She left.
Joe- I'm sorry. Why did she go?
Tucker- No idea. Her letter didn't say.
Joe- What did it say?
Tucker- Just that she was living in New York. She is happier now.
Joe- Huh. Still doesn't explain why you are here.
Tucker- I can't help but try and look for her. But I know she's happier without me. All I wanted was for her to be happy. The further away I get, the easier it is to let go. This is as far away as I could think of.
Joe- Well, you definitely picked the right place. People get lost out here all the time.
Tucker- I might like that.
Joe- It will happen. But it looks like they fixed to problem. Back to work.


1- It really is beautiful.
2- What?
1- This country, it is beautiful.
2- I guess. I'm sure it's more beautiful if you can come and go.
1- That is true. Can't you?
2- No. Not since I lost everything.
1- Me either. I've been stuck in this place for thirty years.
2- Then why stay in a hotel?
1- Physically, I've been in New York. But my heart has been in this room since I lost my everything.
2- What do you mean?
1-This is where we came, my wife and I. To see the beauty of Spain. It was her dream.
2- What happened? Why can't you leave?
1- I lost her. I went to get information for out arrangements the next day. I came back to an empty room. This empty room.
2- Did you ever find her?
1- No. Not really.
2- How did she die? Did you ever find out?
1- Oh, she's not dead.
2- What would keep her away? How do you know she's alive? Why would she disappear?
1- I got a letter. After I finally gave up the search. She is living in Italy. She is happier now.
2- Did you ever look for her there?
1- No. She is better without me. All I wanted was to make her happy. I will not take that from her.
2- Why not? You never wondered why she left?
1- Of course I did. But if she left, it means she wasn't happy with me. It doesn't matter why. The best I could do for her was let her go.

Bad Poetry

I miss you so.
But I understand why you let me go.
You only smile when I'm not around.
One of us is always upside down.

I let you go.
But it's not because I don't love you so.
Because darling, you will not ever know,
how much of me, is really yours.

I won't chase you.
Because I know that you wouldn't want me to.
It breaks me to know you're never coming back.
But I broke you first, a few years back.

I'll never see.
What you look like kneeling across from me.
With those two mirrors standing face to face.
And the happy tears streaming down your face.

At least I know,
you'll be happy now that you've let me go.
I only dragged you down.
Now only one of us is doomed to drown.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Direct Orders.

Rock out like you just kissed the one girl who will always rock out with you. Like she just said she loves you. Rock out like a kid going to Disneyland. Rock out like a soldier going home. Rock out like you just got a letter exempting you from taxes for the rest of your life. Rock out like you just found what you are looking for. Like there was no yesterday. Rock out like you just married the girl of your dreams. Rock out like she will always be there. Like it's the only thing keeping you out of a wheelchair. Rock out like rocking out keeps you young forever. Rock out like you just realized you can run fast enough to fly. Rock out like the sun asked you to. Rock out because life is too short to do anything else. Rock out because you were born for it.

Shake the dust.

This is for the little girl who watched her life burn. For the kid who is always mean, because no one showed him what it's like to be nice. Shake the dust. This is for the men who have lost their wives. This is for the mothers who hate their kids. For the little girls who live in broken homes. Shake the dust. This is for those who's tears have fallen on a steering wheel. For anyone who has ever wondered "what have I done?". Shake the dust. For the rainy day. The one that no one wants to see. Shake the dust. This is for the woman who drives away everyone she knows. The one who only knows lonlyness. This is for the mourners and the killers who make them mourn. Shake the dust. This is for the good people who do bad things. This is for you. Shake the dust. Make a change. Wake up every day one step closer to who you want to be. Don't be discouraged, how far you go is irrelevant. It's only important that you keep moving. Keep trying. Keep changing. Make the world brighter because you are in it. This is for you. Shake the dust.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Probably against the rules.

Yeah, I don't even know if this is allowed. I know it's my blog and all, but I don't know if I can just throw up whatever is on my mind. Here goes anyway. I hate the way most guys refer to girls. I hate it. And not even they way they talk about girls in general. The way they refer to girls specifically is what gets to me. Baby, babe, hot stuff, whatever. None of them fit. If someone means something, tell them. And not just by telling them they mean something. Give them a name they deserve. So you can call a girl baby if you want. Me, I like darling. Or sweetheart. They're both favorites.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm thinking about you.

I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking about you like bells think about singing. Like alarm clocks think about ringing. Like singing thinks about the shower. I'm thinking about you like stars think about the moon. I'm thinking about you like night thinks about day. Like darkness thinks about fire. Like beauty thinks about you. I'm thinking about you like lonlyness thinks about love. Like people worry about dying. Like morticians worry about being alive. I'm thinking about you like girls think about love. Like boys think about girls. I'm thinking about you like broken things think about being fixed. Like soccer balls think about being kicked. Like ingredients think about being mixed. I'm thinking about you like snow thinks about eyelashes. Like eyes think about eyelashes. I'm thinking about you like the stars think about your eyes. Like stars wonder how to shine as brightly as your eyes. I'm thinking about you like dreams think about reality. Like trees think about a breeze. I'm thinking about you like boats think about the ocean. Like time thinks about flying. I'm thinking about you. Always.

Love Is

10. Love is a cup of hot chocolate
9. Love is a hand in the dark.
8. Love is a shining star.
7. Love is tattoo removal.
6. Love is an addiction.
5. Love is an autumn day.
4. Love is when all you need is held in the palm of your hand.
3. Love is a damsel in distress.
2. Love is a bubble. Quietly wonderful.
1. Love is a fortune. Those who want it will look forever, but those who have it don't notice.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Here's the deal. I'm not exactly the best writer I've ever met. I like to read, and I write songs all the time, but I'm pretty sure those don't count as actual writing. So you are just going to have to put up with my best efforts while I try my very hardest not to flunk. Sounds like a decently legit plan, so I'm gonna run with it. Should be fun. So have a wonderful day. We all deserve more of those than we get.