Thursday, January 13, 2011

Open Mic

I want this song to last,
I want to set these thoughts apart.
Words on a page will fade so fast.
Instead I'll write it all on my heart.
I need you to understand,
all the things that I feel.
I'll take you by the hand,
I have one more thing to reveal.
You really are a special girl.
One day you are gonna change the world.
You're happy to stay with me.
But darling, you cannot see.
I need you to understand,
how beautiful you really are.
Please let go of my hand.
Without me you'll go so far.
There's something wrong with our world,
too many people are just like me.
You really are a special girl,
you have the power to set us free.
I need you to understarnd,
all you have done for me.
You took me by the hand,
you made me who I should be.
Darling, leave me behind.
There's plenty people left to see.
Move on down the line,
make someone else who they should be.
I need you to understand,
I can't keep you all for me.
There are millions of other hands.
You can make the whole world see.
So darling don't be afraid,
you can make this world a better place.
I know I only hold you back,
so smile as we fade to black.

Film Analysis

Star Wars- A New Hope

1. Call to action: Luke gets a message from Princess Leia and is invited to go on an adventure by Obi Wan.
2. Refusal of call: Luke says he has to stay home to help his uncle on the farm.
3. Gaining of mentor: Obi Wan gives Luke a lightsaber and offers to teach him the force.
4. Acceptance of call: Luke's relatives are horribly killed, and he decides to take off.
5. Entering special world: Obi Wan and Luke travel to Mos Eisley to get a ship.
6. Gaining allies and trials: Luke and new friends Han Solo and Chewbacca are trapped in a space station.
7. Passing of mentor: Obi Wan is killed by Darth Vader.
8. Entering the cave: Luke joins the Rebel Alliance to face Darth Vader.
9. Climax: Luke destroys the Death Star and sends Vader spinning into space.
10. Reward: Luke gains respect with the Alliance and gets a medal.
11. Return: The Alliance is saved and the Empire is set back.
12.  Sharing reward: Luke becomes pilot for Alliance.

50 Word Story

The Scientist- Coldplay
I don't drive anymore. Don't smile anymore either. That stopped with the driving. Plenty of things have changed. For example, I spend more time talking to you than anyone else. No one can say what I want to hear like you can. Because nobody was in that car but you.